Friday, July 18, 2008

No Vacation in Sight

*Sighs* This time last year Husband and I were just returning from our honeymoon in Michigan. It was a very relaxing, low-key vacation, and we just tooled around enjoying being legally bound to one another's hip. Since then I've been able to take a few consecutive days off here or there, but they usually had some kind of purpose (i.e. weddings, showers, appointments, etc.), so they weren't exactly relaxing (I refuse to count almost an entire week of sick days because Husband and I were both completely miserable, and I think I've suffered permanent brain damage from that fever). I would love to have a whole week (or dare I covet a fortnight?!) to sleep in and see sights somewhere with Husband at our leisure, but it won't be happening anytime soon.

Probation at my work is ninety days, so I won't be able to take any official time off until mid-September. Bummer.

It's not like I'm completely stressed out or overly tired (aside from the exasperating house hunt). I just want a little time to be a lazy loafer somewhere that isn't Warren County. My parents will be taking their yearly vacation to Wisconsin in late September, and, I'll admit it, I WANT TO GO, TOO! I really, really miss going to Lake Katherine (yeah, I'm named after a lake...I'm sure people are named after stranger things). During our annual family vacation, we went fishing almost every day, driving over to any number of favorite holes or taking the cabin's canoe to the different parts of the waterway like the "Ink Spot." On the off days when we weren't catching bluegills and rock bass for a delicious pan-friend dinner, we went into the "big town" of Minoqua and visited the shops along main street including the old dime store, fudge and candy shop, and cheese wonderland (it is Wisconsin, after all...). We also made sure to stop to eat at the "Pole Cat and Lace" (trust me, it's the shit...ignore the dead animals mounted to the wall...) or the "Red Steer" (mmm meat).

Granted, Husband probably wouldn't like this more rustic vacation since he doesn't fish and would probably have some kind of mental breakdown due to the fact that the cabins we stay in don't have internet access and the 20" television plays about ten channels. Still, unplugging from the world is a refreshing change of pace. I think I can make a fisherman out of him yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! you were named after a lake...what a n00b. I was named after a Hobo Greek Philosopher. I win :-p.

I think that getting away from it all would be awesome. It has been quiet a while since I've done it (back in '04 when I went back to the home country for the first time in 12 years) but it was refreshing after I got over the culture shock.

Idea! I'll put on a blond wig and do your work for a week so you can escape for a little while. I will just tell them that you took hormones which made you grow, gave you a tan, facial hair, and different colored eyes.