Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sin City: Day 1

Do not fear, dear reader, for I have returned unscathed from a long and treacherous voyage. For my extended silence, I have no excuse.


Husband and I returned about a week ago from a long weekend trip to Las Vegas. Husband had visited the city a few years ago for a work-related conference, but I was a Sin City virgin, so to speak. We ended up experiencing the trip with two of my high school girlfriends, and the boyfriend of one of those girls. I adore these people, so the vacation was really secondary to my primary excitement to SEE these people and HUG these people and talk about how AWESOME each of them is.

We flew in very late and met one of the ladies and her boyfriend at the airport, then we shuttled off to our hotel, the Mirage. It has a tropical theme, and this was part of the lobby.

We went to our rooms and collapsed, then arose the next day bright and early to slay a Stormtrooper.

Then we waited for our last friend to arrive...

And she did!  Next we decided to walk the strip, on a pilgrimage to the Burger Bar, the only restaurant that Husband demanded we visit (it was a good demand). We went into most of the casinos to take a peek at the different themes, saw the Eiffel Tower, Lady Liberty, and my girlfriend even got her hands on a hot, sweaty Chippendales man.

We saw giant clogs and giant dragons made out of chocolate and giant flowers.

And then we even saw a giant statue made out of boats and canoes and kayaks. This would turn out to be prophetic. The following day we were scheduled to kayak down the Colorado River. Let it be known that I was not physically or mentally prepared for this (beginner's) adventure. I will describe the carnage in a post profiling DAY 2...DUN, DUN, DUN.

We finished our day with bellies full of burgers at a Blue Man Group show. It was so worth the money (I'd seen them in Chicago, and the show was just as wonderful as I remembered). Husband had a particularly great time. Then we returned to our hotel and collapsed in bed once again.

Oh, these happy fools. Little did they know what the next day held.

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