Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where's Ed McMahon when you need him?

I keep waiting for Ed McMahon to show up on my doorstep with a giant Publishers Clearing House check.

I choose to ignore the fact that I don't actually have my own doorstep and also haven't spent a single moment signing up to win a giant Publishers Clearing House check. Still, I really think Ed should seriously contemplate dropping by. I know that people say money won't solve all your problems...but I just really think that a large amount of money would solve all of our problems right now.

If someone would just magically hand us an extra $100,000 or so, we could stop weighing the pros and cons of throwing up our hands and buying a mold-covered, rat dropping encased former meth lab in our current price range or admitting to the world that we are indefinitely living with my in-laws.

If you couldn't tell, I am becoming increasingly exasperated with the whole house hunt business. If everyone else can go into extreme debt after buying a house tolerable enough to live in but way out of their price range, why can't we? Husband keeps whining about something called a "credit rating." I don't think we'll be truly happy until our credit rating and combined IQ scores are equal...

However, if you've followed celebrity news at all in the past few weeks, you may have heard that Ed's got his own problems. He broke his neck which seriously cut down on his employment availability and his own home is now being foreclosed upon. Maybe Ed isn't the right person to ask for help at the moment.

Wait, did you hear a doorbell?


Kyle said...

I'm not whining about our Credit Rating, it's great...I'm not going to go into debt for a, "mold-covered, rat dropping encased former meth lab" or an over priced cookie cutter home either. ;)

KittyMarie said...

Que sera sera