Thursday, August 15, 2013

A's bachelorette party

In late July, after work on a Thursday evening, I drove three hours south to the home of A's second sister M (of four, remember?). I spent the night basking in her hospitality, and early the next morning we took a tiny plane out of a tiny airport up to Michigan for a surprise bachelorette party for her sister A (the third sister of four). She rented a car and chauffeured me around the gorgeous natural countryside. We headed to the site of our first night, a cute little cabin in the woods. I emphasize cute but...rustic (there was a bathroom in the cabin, but there was also totally an outhouse, which I totally used in the dead of night, moths totally mobbing the flashlight app on my phone).
 Her crown!


 That's where I slept; it folded out into a bed, neath the head dressing of bygone deer. 

 There was a trailer behind the cabin where some of the girls slept. 
  Big thanks to these girls for planning the weekend and for welcoming me into their circle!
A was relatively surprised, although she was on to us pretty early (and rather pissed off, after we had to request some creative stalling when M and I got lost on our way to the cabin!). We all hid outside (in the rain!) and waited until she was in the cabin before we ran in one by one, greeted by her squeals of delight.

We ate and drank and played games. There was some light vandalism, courtesy of the poor bride.

The next day A had to work for a few hours, so we all moseyed around a local festival before heading to her home, a farm that she and her fiance are creating out of dirt and sweat and love. 
At a nearby pier, very lovely!
It is a beautiful, beautiful place for beautiful, beautiful people. 

They are beekeepers who are producing some of the most delicious honey I've ever eaten. I manned up and took some photos while she extracted a bit for us to try.


Then her fiance made us some delicious homemade pizzas on the grill and they both took a swing at a frighteningly reinforced pinata.

We love you so much, A. Our kisses will remind you forever!
Can't wait for your wedding, doll!

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