Husband and I participated in our final wedding of 2011 on Saturday. My best male friend,
Philboy, had stood with the bridal party on my side during our wedding, so I was touched that he included me (and Husband) on his side in his wedding. We have been friends for 8 years (yeah, dude, it's been that long), and he is one of the most intelligent and funny people I know. Lucky for him, he found a partner who is all that and more.
Exhibit A. Gorgeousness personified.
Their ceremony was just the right mix of traditional and modern; religious and irreverent; solemn and celebratory. They wrote their own vows, they symbolized their unity through a sand ceremony, and Philboy was so excited about getting married, he tried to say his "I do's" twice.
Rather than throw sand or blow bubbles, each guest was handed a personalized flag to wave as the newlyweds left the chapel. It was an absolutely adorable touch.
I have to give a special shout-out to my hair (or hairdresser, that is). It wasn't sleek and it was off-center and totally not something I would ever request, but I absolutely loved it. I didn't want to take it out after leaving the reception. 45 hairpins later, however, I will admit my scalp was a bit happy. (And check out the Adonis I conned into posing with me!)

The bride and groom made their own cake topper out of Lego. Behind the little figures is a red heart. It was so sweet and unique!


The bride and groom are honeymooning in Disneyworld (I had to look that up, because I always forget which is in California, and which is in Florida). These adorable hats sat in front of their places at the head table. They wore them as they departed the reception.


The Puritans. We're all a little older, a little wiser, and a little drunker. But we're still all together. I love these people.

This has nothing to do with anything, but what would a wedding be without moustaches? I'm thinking about adding this as a permanent accessory.
Thanks to their wedding reception, I've had LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" stuck in my head for seven days now. At least it isn't "Pussy Control."
Every day I'm shuffling.
This is one of those weddings that I will remember. Not because it was any better (or worse) than any other wedding we've attended recently, but because I know that these people will be in our lives for many years to come. In fact, when they return from their honeymoon, they are going to become our neighbors for awhile. They are two seriously wonderful people, and I am so happy that they found one another. They deserve so much happiness. They are our best friends in our hearts.

You know that, RIGHT?