Friday, July 12, 2013

G's baby shower

This is a very belated post, which will become clear with the post that will follow this one, but I can't miss blogging about G's baby shower! My sisterfriend done got herself knocked up, so I threw her a hootenanny. I designed some really pretty invitations and made lots of fun little crafts and bought a metric ton of orange gerbera daisies, and the party was on.

There was a diaper raffle (guests were assigned a diaper size to bring, and then I drew a participant's name to win a fabulous prize).

I made a lot of food. Seriously. A Lot.

Did I mention the party was blue, orange, and zebra stripe-themed? When I get a theme, I run that theme into the ground. Seriously, even the water bottles were wrapped in zebra print duct tape.

I made everyone participate in a craft (which is apparently My Thing. Everyone at sisterfriend's bridal shower had to scrapbook a page. The craft for her baby shower was slightly accelerated).

I painted all 26 letters of the alphabet with the same color she used on parts of the nursery, and then I provided all sorts of papers and tapes and doodads so each guest could decorate her own letter, signing the back, so that the baby will one day be able to judge his loved ones based on their artistic ability (joking. Sort of.).

Then she opened gifts.

My mom made sisterfriend's baby a beautiful quilt to match the nursery colors.

I also made each guest answer questions about babymomma and babydaddy's childhoods, and the winner with the most right also won a fabulous prize (it ended in a tie!). On the back of the quiz each guest wrote their predictions of birth date, weight, size, and so forth, and the person that won received a fabulous prize too!

It was a genuinely lovely day, and I am so happy I was able to give it to her. My mom brought our grandma, and it was so special for her to be able to participate in the day.

I love her, and I love baby G!

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