I'm really hard on technology. As if you didn't already have an inkling. Computer destruction aside, I've managed to obliterate a flash drive, crush camera memory cards, do frightening things to nice, new cars, and generally destroy anything that is expensive and remotely high tech. I really don't mean to...it just seems to...happen. Much to my husband's dismay (read: "This is why we can't have nice things!"). I've only managed not to destroy my hand-me-down iPod so far because I mostly keep it locked safely away in my bedside drawer. I am simply a clumsy, oafish individual who belongs in some remote jungle, far away from Apples and Nikons and anything that came out of China and contains a microchip of some kind.
But I still kind of want an iPhone, the destruction of which, in my hands, would be inevitable.
Or would it? Perhaps "the first and only iPhone 4 case to meet military specifications," as featured on Gizmodo, would keep a new trinket safe!

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