Friday, April 17, 2009

In honor of tiny things...

Our carpool buddy and his lovely wife (seriously, she JUST had a baby? no effing way!) dropped by the house last night and brought the softest, teensy-weensiest little baby, Claire. I got the chance to hold her (safely positioned on the couch, because I don't trust my bumbling self with tiny preciousness). I've only held about three other babies in my life, and I am almost positive now that there is nothing better. Of course, after they departed, I demanded of Husband that: soooocuuuuuteiwantonetooooooo! Husband's logic prevailed (umm...we live with his parents...have no house yet fit to money because of said house...) But still...soooocuuuuute...

I suppose, for now, I will have to suppress my procreational inclinations by looking at pictures of other tiny preciousness on the INTERNETS. So, for your viewing pleasure, I bring you Tom Thumb.



whiskey9cjo said...

Where is this Enternit, and where do I get on it?

whiskey9cjo said...

People keep talking about it. Though I also hear you can get HIV from the "blogs?" and "facetubes?"

KittyMarie said...

I hear Twitter causes cancer.