Husband and I are big recyclers. Even though our beloved Bullshit did an episode about how recycling isn't really all that helpful to the environment (especially paper recycling), I just can't bring myself to throw a newspaper into the garbage. And I am not above fishing other people's aluminum cans out of the refuse pail at work to recycle them. You might not want to shake my hand.
Our recycling bins consist of two gray plastic tubs in our garage. Not terribly inspired or exciting, but they get the job done. We empty them about every two weeks (no luxurious curbside recycling pick-up in our little hick county), and the chore takes ten minutes, tops.
In honor of Earth Day, this Friday Fashion brings you environmentally-friendly and design-friendly recycling bins. Because even dealing with trash can be aesthetically appealing.

Very sleek and industrial-looking. This would match stainless steel appliances beautifully! The Smart Bin, $99.99.

Love your earth, my babies.
I definitely like the first because it not only gets rid of the smelly compost bucket in our window sill, but also gets the recycling out from under foot. Noice find.
It is probably the most useful one I found...I suppose one could always paint it pretty colors:)
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