Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: A Retrospective Look

Dear 2008,

I'm writing this letter to get everything out in the open with you. Let's face it, it was fun while it lasted, but now it's over. I'm sorry it has to end this way, but I'm moving on. I hope you don't take it too hard.

My relationship with you kicked off in the company of some very dear friends. During this past year, we had many more opportunities to enjoy time with old friends and new friends and family members. Husband and I spent the first five months of you stuffed into our one-room dorm at Dinky College. Then, in June, I accepted my new position at Big, Fancy University and we all moved in together with my in-laws. We spent the next few months looking for a suitable home for ourselves and finally made a decision in September. I continued to improve at my new job, and before I knew it, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were upon us.

But, 2008, now our time together must come to a close. It's really nothing personal. We've had some laughter and some tears, and I will always remember you fondly as part of my first year of marriage, my first job out of college, and my dearest cousin's wedding.

I'm sorry, 2008, but it's exactly as you suspected. All of those e-mails you found, my recent inattentiveness, the lipstick you washed out of my collar were signs of the inevitable: I'm leaving you for 2009. 2009 just has more to offer me - a new home; a fresh start. I'm not sure exactly what adventures we're going to have together, I'm sure it will be full of ups and downs like your and my former relationship, but I am excited to get to know 2009 and encounter a whole new set of experiences and trials and joys.

I still hope we can be friends, 2008. Love, always,


Belisarius said...

You've been with 2008 too! I thought I was special....

blind irish pirate said...

Oh noes, I've been played, too!

KittyMarie said...

What a slut...we should probably all get tested...

whiskey9cjo said...

Hah! I've already been with 2009. I kicked 2008 to the curb three years ago!

I figure, I'll pick 2010 up with a flying car.