It's a chandelier wall decal and it would look SO COOL on that wall we don't have above that king sized bed we don't have in that house we don't have!

And on that king sized bed we don't have? Yeah, I could lay this Asian Poppy Duvet. The oranges are so fresh and the pattern is so crisp and contemporary.

I have some sort of weird, unexplainable love for all things damask, like this rug. This is one of the most interesting damask patterns I've seen yet - can you spot the keys, scissors, birds, and trees?
For those of you who have not yet experienced The Basement of Doom at my parents' house, you are lucky. In The Basement of Doom is our one and only shower. And I use the term "shower" loosely. It's more of a shower nozzle sticking out of the cinderblock wall in an very large, chilly, open room. The floor is concrete, there's a drain right below the shower head, and there are two windows on either sides of the room. Yes, the cats will watch you shower through the glass. And there are spiders. Lots of spiders. I took a lot of baths when I was young.
That was a long anecdote to get to the point of this image: I've never had a real shower, with porcelain and stainless steel and a shower curtain. But this shower curtain is sooooo beautiful. I resisted posting three other shower curtains which were equally interesting. One was a huge picture of the Parisian skyline, another was a gigantic list of SAT words, and the final curtain contained French, German, or Italian to English translations - clean AND educational! Is it possible for a house to have more bathrooms than bedrooms? I've got a lot of showering in my future.
Please excuse me while I drown in my own drool.

And on that king sized bed we don't have? Yeah, I could lay this Asian Poppy Duvet. The oranges are so fresh and the pattern is so crisp and contemporary.

I have some sort of weird, unexplainable love for all things damask, like this rug. This is one of the most interesting damask patterns I've seen yet - can you spot the keys, scissors, birds, and trees?

That was a long anecdote to get to the point of this image: I've never had a real shower, with porcelain and stainless steel and a shower curtain. But this shower curtain is sooooo beautiful. I resisted posting three other shower curtains which were equally interesting. One was a huge picture of the Parisian skyline, another was a gigantic list of SAT words, and the final curtain contained French, German, or Italian to English translations - clean AND educational! Is it possible for a house to have more bathrooms than bedrooms? I've got a lot of showering in my future.
Please excuse me while I drown in my own drool.
Please keep posting your interior design dreams, because it might get me off my lzy butt and do the same...
Hehe WILL DO! They're still only dreams, but perhaps one day they will come to fruition...one day...
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