I knew you would be upset.
My craft room is still torn to shreds without adequate storage, which I haven't found the time to purchase, so I don't know where anything is located. Plus, why isn't it still, like, September? I am out of time, and I am owning up to that fact. I still have hope of purchasing some economical-sized box of generic well wishes, but it just won't be the same. Please take my undying love as a consolation prize.
While my Christmas cards were a Fail, Husband and I did at least get our tree up this weekend. Of course, it is currently residing in our upstairs guest room because Husband's computer is sitting in its proper living room spot, but let's not dwell on the little things, m'kay? The tree is up, the shopping is done, and the gifts are wrapped. It's a Christmas miracle. See?

In addition to frantic gift buying and tree erecting this weekend, we also got to see...live...in concert...

...the man behind the machine at Star Wars in Concert! It was way awesome, even if I have yet to see two of the original movies (I'm surprised I was even allowed into the venue). The orchestra played the well-known notes to film montages with carefully choreographed effects like lighting and fire, preceded by narration from C3PO. There was even an exhibit beforehand containing costumes, props, and the original sheet music.
We're ending this month, this year, this decade with a bang. Glad you are along for the ride.
The Star Wars Concert was a good time. Glad I get to spend the holidays with you in our own home finally :)
You blog is a riot, I saw your post on Shop It To Me (I have also guest blogged for them) laughed out loud and had to check you out. I think it is critical to add a little humor to blogging, much appreciated!
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