Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Fashion: Daddy Dearest

It's Friday, and even though I took yesterday off, I spent the day scurrying from appointment to appointment and am completely exhausted. Unfortunately this weekend is turning out to be quite busy (unfortunate in that I am leaving for my business trip this coming week and had hoped for some quiet down time before departure. C'est la vie.).

The activities aren't actually unfortunate, just time-consuming. In fact, they will be rather fun. Saturday I will be helping finish painting my parents' new home and will celebrate the birthdays of my father-in law and superstar friend Philboy. Since I won't be home for Father's Day next weekend, we are celebrating it this Sunday. I plan to not be in the kitchen cooking for nine hours, instead keeping it simple with hamburgers and chips (though I will break out my cooking utensils to make the best chocolate chip cookies EVER. Seriously. Make today.).

So, for this Friday Fashion I could include all of the fabulous, beautifully-designed trinkets we purchased for our fathers. Or I could be honest.

22? Sure, let's call this a 22-caliber bullet.

And 9 mm? Let's hope so.

He likes it. No, I don't know why.


Seriously. We bought them bullets and booze.

What more could a dad ask for?

For the record, yes, here is your confirmation, we are rednecks.


Belisarius said...

I think they're wonderful gifts *spits chew into spitoon*

blind irish pirate said...

If you & K are rednecks, what does that make CHH & I? I got Dad a card that reads "I'm so glad it was you that knocked up Mom!" We are the classiest.

In other news... no commentary yet on Glee? WTF?

KittyMarie said...

We could be trailer park neighbors!

Yeah...been busy...maybe today!