And then I got married. To a man with a colorful last name.
And I took his last name because I didn't have any major feminist qualms with the tradition, and his last name was a lot easier to spell than mine. Plus, I could add the useful little phrase "Purple. Like the color" after saying my name for a hostess or receptionist. Like someone who would say "Smyth. With a 'y'" or "Fox. Like the animal." Husband always joked that, when asked how to spell his last name, he could sarcastically reply, "Got a box of crayons?"
But, I digress. I got married. And took his last name. And got a little sensitive about it. Especially wearing the color. I didn't own any purple clothing, save for one shirt that remains under contention (it's pink, I tell you. PINK!). But on a shopping trip with my cousin, we browsed through the pretty dresses at the mall and I fell in love with a dress. A purple dress.
It was on sale and in a deep, rich jewel tone and had an empire waist and flattering chest gathering and POCKETS! IT HAD POCKETS! This was a revelation. I was aware of the trend (which, frankly, is probably well out of fashion by now), but I never really got it. Pockets? Pockets belong on pants, on shirt fronts, on purses. Pockets on a dress? Pishaw! But my eyes were opened and I saw, hallelujah.
Plus? We just so happened to have been invited to a wedding in which one of the bride's colors was purple! And I was going to be one of the greeters at the wedding! How cute would it be to not only wear a dress that I loved, but one that matched the day's decor? PRECIOUS, GODDAMMIT. So I tried on the dress, and hemmed and hawed, and texted the maid of honor to make sure the bridesmaid dresses weren't purple (See? I'm considerate. Also? Self-conscious.). And I left the store without it. Because it was purple. But then I went back a week later, and I snatched it up and tried it on over and over again before the wedding because gah, purple.
And I don't think one person made the connection.

Forthcoming will be more on the wedding itself in a far less self-centered post. Promise, promises.
I thought you looked amazing in it :)
LOVE it! Great purchase. You would be crazy not to have gotten it! Purple is a color I have slowly began to appreciate.
You looked beautiful!!! I on the other had viewed a photo that Michelle took of Mike and I dancing. Lets just say if it was an outdoor reception I would have been accused of stealing the tent and wearing it. lol. I know, I know, I'm pregnant.
Thanks, Beli and Katie :)
Amanda, you looked BEAUTIFUL, FOR SERIOUS! Your dress was very flattering, and I will forever maintain that pregnant women are too friggin' adorable for words! (Granted, you probably don't feel that way, but trust me, you looked wonderful!)
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