I promised you a less
self-centered post that focused on the beautiful wedding we attended in mid-September, yes? Voila!
Husband has been friends with the bride since gradeschool, and she stood up for him three years ago on his side of our wedding party. Additionally, I simply adore the bride and her three equally lovely and sweet sisters. I cannot say enough good things about those women.

You see? You can just tell from this picture that the bride is the most adorable person in the whole wide world! (Next to the third sister, pictured in the stunning black and white dress, who just happens to be one of my best friends!)
But I digress to the important issue at hand: Look at the dress! She made her wedding dress herself! She is not only beautiful and kind, but also talented! I wish I had gotten a picture of her wonderful bright red high heels concealed beneath the satin. And that is her mother's veil, a tribute to "something old" that made me melt!
She, who deserves all the happiness in the world, married in a pool of sunlight (and in record time for a Catholic wedding, might I add).

The day was filled with details that made each part special. From the flower girls' baskets...

...to the sleek, Asian-inspired decorations that adorned each reception table...

...and the design! Such wonderful design!

...and the beautiful cake with crafty turtle toppers.

And there was dancing...

...and laughter...

...and so many good, wonderful friends.

Congratulations, Mary and Eddie. We love you and wish you everlasting happiness.
It looks like I completely shaved my head on that last picture. I like it. Fun times were had there. For sure.
HAHA! It does! I didn't notice:) We all look great, methinks!
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