Husband was a senior at Middle-of-the-Cornfields High School when I was a freshman. He claims to have thought I was cute and tried to talk to me at that time, but one of my only memories of him from that year is when he played a scary Russian policeman in Fiddler on the Roof while I played the second youngest daughter, Shprintze. We also performed together in front of the local elementary students in The Princess and the Pea that spring. He was the king, and I was the princess.
Forward two years.
We begin chatting online, getting to know one another slowly over the months. Finally, I got up the courage to go on a date with him, live and in person. T

Husband is my first sweaty hand hold, my first "I Love You," my first kiss; Husband is my first everything. When I explain our history in person, I always feel the need to justify and defend why it was okay for me not to take a break from the person that forever changed my life just to experience other boyfriends. However, this is my blog, and I don't have to defend anything to anyone. Sometimes, you just get it right the first time; We did. We have six years of proof that we're the right match for one another. I'm expecting about seventy more.
:-* more.
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