Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boo: A Halloween surprise (hint: it wasn't candy)

Husband and I left work midday and both went to see an allergist Friday (Halloween). This was something we'd been thinking about doing for quite some time but kept putting off, and we finally made appointments and drug ourselves there. We are both plagued with sniffly noses and watery eyes due to a variety of perceived allergens, and we went to identify exactly what those allergens were and to arm ourselves with some kind of medication.

The nurses performed our scratch tests at the same time. Husband and I had both had scratch tests around similar ages when we were younger (I had mine in the sixth grade). On children, the test is performed on their forearms, but on adults, there are a larger number of scratches made on their backs (55, to be exact). Once scratched with various allergens, an excruciatingly itchy fifteen minutes must pass before the doctor can return to evaluate the results.

When I was tested eleven years ago, being the weak, wheezing child that I was, in addition to my asthma, I was found to be allergic to cats, ragweed, and unbaked flour. Husband wasn't allergic to anything when he was originally tested (lucky fellow). The results Friday, however, were quite different. Husband showed allergies to quite a few naturally occurring triggers (like grass and some kind of mold that grows in corn...he should probably think about moving from Indiana to a desert...). I added a few new similar allergens, but the biggest disappointment, in addition to my already well known allergy to cats, was a new allergy to dogs.

DOGS! *weeps with anguish*

I had always resigned myself to the fact that I would never be able to have an indoor cat as a pet. The saving grace to this sad, sad reality was that I would be able to have a dog! An adorable, cuddly, purse-sized dog! BUT NO MORE. Thank you very much, Dr. Clayton, for stomping on my pet owning dreams. And then stomping some more. And then pissing a little.

At least he gave us prescriptions for Flonase.

Of course, I am currently living at my in-laws' home with their miniature poodle, Kasey. He's very lovable and is always in the mood for some attention, but I try not to touch him too much, and he gets a firm talking to if he jumps on our bed. Silver lining: at least poodles don't shed?

So now I need to console myself by beginning to repair my dream and think up a new plan to welcome some cuddly bit of fur into my future home... bunnies have dander?


Diosthocles said...

I should eventually get tested for allergies but since I rarely sneeze and have yet to break out in hives/rash/whatever to my knowledge, I keep putting it off. I guess I was at the lucky end of the gene pool when it came to allergies/sickness aside from the thinning hair.

Not being able to get a dog because of allergies would suck. I would tough it out. Even if I were allergic to Sophie, I would definitely just deal with it. As needy as she can be sometimes (especially when she knows I am paying attention to something that is not her) she makes me laugh and keeps me entertained.

KittyMarie said...

I wish I could tough it out, but the best companionship in the world isn't worth being miserable every day. :( I've found working lungs are kind of a necessary commodity in life. I don't think I could handle living with the symptoms I get...*sighs*

blind irish pirate said...

Can't you get allergy shots?

Anyway, there are some breeds of dogs (I want to say the Shar Pei??) is allergen free. Research a little before completely writing it off... you might not be able to have a maltese, but wtf wants those beasts anyways?

KittyMarie said...

Yeay! It's good to have vet tech friends! I put a little research into Sphinx, the hairless cats, but I read that they can still cause allergies to flair up...perhaps it will take a little trial and error to find a breed compatible with my lungs!

...Zac and Ashlie... said...

I think that either the Maltese is relatively hypo-allergenic... My sister's husband is allergic to life in general, and they have a Malte-shu, err...Malte-shit! (Maltese/shitzhu, mix.) I don't know the proper lingo for this cute little "mut" way or the other...There is still hope for a four-legged companion in your future!!

Google "Hypo-allergenic dogs"...:) there's a list!

...Zac and Ashlie... said...

Pardon my "either" typo. I know your soul died a little.

KittyMarie said...

Hooray! Thank you! There is hope yet!