Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New look, same old dribble...

So now my blog is pretty. Or prettier. Ahh, white space, how I love thee. I could write sonnets to my devotion to white space and untrapped copy and images that face the proper way. Yes, there is a proper way for images to face. Thank you, yearbook! Thanks go out to my eight (EIGHT! I feel so popular!) faithful readers for your input. It was five to three, and you all voted for my two favorites, so I'm proud of each and every one of you. *Sniffs* Brings a tear to my eye.

A big thanks also to Chris The Carpool Buddy for providing the inspiration for the new tag line. It's supposed to be contradictory, you know, because I fancy proper grammar. Did I need to explain that? Oh, well, I just did. I had to use proper apostrophes, though, sorry. I can only go so far.


Angie said...

love the new look, it's very you!

Diosthocles said...

Two posts in one day, eh?

I will also have to say that I like the simplicity of the new layout although I won't get to enjoy it thanks to me always reading your blog through google reader on my fancy phone.

KittyMarie said...

Aww, thank you, Angie! I like the new look, too! And Diosthocles, fie on your fancy phone! ;-)

whiskey9cjo said...

special ed
/special ed