This is a lovely organic, branch-inspired mirror. If I had a house I would possibly hang it in the bedroom (no, not that kind of mirror...) or in the foyer area. You know, if I had a house.

I would get pillows like these for our couch and loveseat. The couch and loveseat are a soft tan color and I absolutely hate the pillows that came with the set. They are stripey and mostly maroon, but not a pretty stripey maroon, and these pillows don't make me want to throw up when I'm taking a nap.

I would hang this chandelier over our dining room table. Again, it is very organically branch-inspired. Plus, SHINY. VERY SHINY. We would enjoy our meals beneath its soft light. You know, if I had a dining room.

We already do have a very nice comforter that is very warm and soft and I love, but it is plain white, and this one is HELLO PRETTY. Plus it is made out of organic cotton. Because I'm a green snob like that. It could always go on the guest bed, right? You know, in that guest bedroom we don't have...
The alarm is ringing. Time to wake up. In my in-laws' house.
Great taste in everything BUT the chandelier.
See ya in a few hours ^_^*.
Hello PRETTY! I think it would look lovely glinting in the sunlight! It would at least look better than the "chandelier" that is at the house now....ewwwies...
Totally a good guest bedroom sort of spread. :) You should check out Coppenhagen.
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