Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

Hello, my lovelies! I am back, more or less intact.

I went in to have my four wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday, and the experience was better than I had feared (isn't that always the case?) I don't remember much after the doctor inserted the needle into my arm (although I do remember wondering if he was going to put on a lab coat or something because I was envisioning bleeding all over his lovely yellow checked shirt and khakis). Suddenly, my memory starts to pick up again with me in the car (how I got there, I know not!) with Husband poking me every so often to keep me awake (bite on the gauze! Bite, I tell you!)

Husband dropped me off at my parents' house, and there I stayed until just a few hours ago. I did some sleeping and some tv watching, but mostly I think I was there for slave labor. My mom enlisted me to make dozens of rolls for a funeral dinner our church is hosting tomorrow, and I also painted a very large sheet to look like a tomb as well as a tall mural to hang next to the sheet for the one-day vacation bible school coming up. I don't even go to church anymore, what in the world was I doing? Slave labor serves as a good diversion at least...

I'm still doped up on my oxycodone, but I am gettine ever closer to solid food and coherency...I tell me...

1 comment:

...Zac and Ashlie... said...

I'd say you're darn near coherent! :) Feel better soon, little Chipmunk lady! LOL..(I, of course, doubt you look like a chipmunk.)