My dad returned home from the hospital on Friday. He still has an IV port in his arm, from which he will receive antibiotics every six hours for two weeks. Then, it will switch to every eight hours for the following six weeks. I brought my parents groceries and dinner last night and had a nice visit with them. He is looking so much better and is up and walking around a bit, getting his strength back (he said he lost twenty pounds because of this ordeal!). I want to truly thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
My dad returned home from the hospital on Friday. He still has an IV port in his arm, from which he will receive antibiotics every six hours for two weeks. Then, it will switch to every eight hours for the following six weeks. I brought my parents groceries and dinner last night and had a nice visit with them. He is looking so much better and is up and walking around a bit, getting his strength back (he said he lost twenty pounds because of this ordeal!). I want to truly thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Yesterday, it also snowed. WTF.
Also yesterday, of course on the first day of snow since, ohidontknow, February, I helped put on a bridal shower for one of my dearest friends. I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding at the end of April, and it will be a lovely affair. Here is a sampling of the loveliness (her, not me):

Husband and I spend most of the weekend working on the house (although I had to ditch him for the bridal shower on Sunday afternoon). We are both getting very burnt out. I would love to take some time off of work and just have a fun day for the two of us (which would include sleeping in), but we would only end up feeling guilty for wasting the day on frivolity without working on the house. We really are getting closer. The majority of the house has been painted. All major purchases except for carpeting have been made. We are mostly in a holding pattern now, waiting for the wood floors, kitchen cabinets, and appliances to arrive. I know that we have come a long way; it just seems we have so much farther to go; the light at the end of the tunnel grows dim.
It seems to me the insanity began three weeks ago when I had my wisdom teeth out. Then I had work to catch up on and Dad went into the hospital and the renovations at the house heated up. I am hopeful April doesn't cause us to voluntarily commit ourselves to the mental institution. Although, it would be a good excuse to get away from the house...
Also yesterday, of course on the first day of snow since, ohidontknow, February, I helped put on a bridal shower for one of my dearest friends. I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding at the end of April, and it will be a lovely affair. Here is a sampling of the loveliness (her, not me):

Husband and I spend most of the weekend working on the house (although I had to ditch him for the bridal shower on Sunday afternoon). We are both getting very burnt out. I would love to take some time off of work and just have a fun day for the two of us (which would include sleeping in), but we would only end up feeling guilty for wasting the day on frivolity without working on the house. We really are getting closer. The majority of the house has been painted. All major purchases except for carpeting have been made. We are mostly in a holding pattern now, waiting for the wood floors, kitchen cabinets, and appliances to arrive. I know that we have come a long way; it just seems we have so much farther to go; the light at the end of the tunnel grows dim.
It seems to me the insanity began three weeks ago when I had my wisdom teeth out. Then I had work to catch up on and Dad went into the hospital and the renovations at the house heated up. I am hopeful April doesn't cause us to voluntarily commit ourselves to the mental institution. Although, it would be a good excuse to get away from the house...
I just had lunch with two beautiful ladies whom I adore, Dedracula and BlindIrishPirate. I haven't been a very good friend to a lot of people lately because of The Craziness (I know, excuses, excuses), but it warms my heart to sit and eat and chat with people I love. They both have beautiful souls and are lovely inside and out, no matter when length their hair is. ;-)
You should definitely schedule a relax day or two for after you finish the house stuffs. :)
I'm with Lester. God took a day to rest, you can too.
(it was good to see you too.)
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