These daffodils are blooming right outside my office. They made me smile this morning. Spring has sprung, and like the renewal of the season, our house is getting a renewal of its very own. We seemed to get a lot done this weekend, including installing two new ceiling fans, one for our master bedroom and the other for the living room. I'm not in love with ceiling fans, but I'm naming the living room ceiling fan "Compromise" and the bedroom ceiling fan "Acceptance." At least they are kind of pretty in their modernity. They each come with a battery-powered remote which will either get even cooler as time goes on, or even more annoying when the remote gets lost in the couch cushions and bedclothes.

We also installed the new front door, which is linear and sparkly, two of my favorite qualities in inanimate objects.

A giant hole in the half bath behind the medicine cabinet was also discovered. The previous owners pulled out all of the easy route stops. Instead of finding a stud with ohidontknow a stud finder, they instead punched a hole in the wall and installed a slat of wood on which they mounted the medicine cabinet. And then never patched the hole. Klassy with a kapital K.

Meanwhile, paint is continuing to cover every square inch of the Old Ugly. Here's our new chocolate upstairs bathroom. Soon, we will be installing a mottled brown floor to match and sharp, white vanity.

And here's our REDRUM guest bedroom. Want to come have a sleepover? I promise s'mores and pillow fights.

The paint is even finally seeping down our stairwell. A nice, calm "Pebble Beige" that will continue throughout the living room and possibly serve as the major neutral for the kitchen and downstairs hallway. I declined mounting the scaffold to paint, however. I'm just not that brave.

And, finally, one of the most exciting changes is the eradication of the kitchen wall. If you remember the strange six-inch wide opening for dinner plates? stooped conversation? utter decorative laziness? you will understand why this wall had to go. This is where we are going to put a breakfast bar and some arty hanging lights. OH! And we also purchased our kitchen appliances this weekend. LG. Slick. After almost two years without a kitchen of our own, at least this one will be well worth the wait. This is going to be kick-ass.

1 comment:
Dear KittyMarie,
I saw the nice mention of my blog, The Happiness Project, on your blogroll. I so much appreciate you shining a spotlight on my blog! Thanks and best wishes, Gretchen Rubin
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