Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well, I feel a little less like death today, which is good, since it just happens to be the anniversary of the day I sauntered out of my mother and into the world. Want to hear something weird? Husband pointed this out recently: I (and he, and probably you, for that matter) have existed in four separate decades, '80s, '90s, '00s, and now '10s. Isn't that just nutty?

I don't have any interesting birthday facts or old, embarrassing pictures of baby me naked in a bathtub (though, the pictures do exist, let me forewarn you...but I want to know who doesn't have naked baby pictures?), so I will just offer a picture of what I would have looked like, had I been born a cat instead of a human. I think you will see the resemblance.

Photo from here.


Belisarius said...

Happy birthmas!

Amy said...

Hi Kitty,
Cool blog and Happy Birthday!
Love your fashions! My silver silk Rocket Dogs hardly leave my feet.

KittyMarie said...

Thanks, handsome poster:)

And thanks, Amy! I agree about my own silver Rocket Dogs! I love my pair, and the brand has cute shoes across the board! And cute shoes just plain make the world better! :)