As of the afternoon of Friday, January 16, Husband and I will officially be homeowners. This is the date we sign away our current money, future money, collective souls, and firstborn to a bank that has hemmed and hawed and dilly dallied until they were about to lose their shirts. The sheriff's sale was supposed to be next Thursday. You will note we are signing the paperwork the day after that. They were somehow able to push the sale back (technically canceling it), but I am completely convinced of this bank's inability to meet any kind of deadline.
However, the minute we sign the paperwork, we will automatically have $30,000 worth of equity. Joke's on them.
We've been looking for a new home since June, and, suddenly, somehow it is January and we have finally achieved our goal. If we'd purchased a home in June, our interest rate wouldn't be as low and the banks wouldn't be as desperate, so things really do work out in the end. I hope things work out for you, too.
Closing time - every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
I need to find a sweet house warming gift. I'm thinking "Nasty Dirty Rat" would suffice. (it's similar to your robot spider)
HAHAHA...I would much prefer a rat to a spider:) I had mice as pets when I was young, and they're kind of like rats...only cuter...
On second thought, how about a nice potted plant? ;-)
Hehe, when we have a housewarming par-tay (in the distant future), no presents required, only your presence (bah dum dum)!
So, does this mean I get to come have booze at your new house like Kyle said I could? Because he totally said I could.
Oh, and I guess congratulations too.
Yes - the drinking will commence as soon as the updates are complete and we're actually living there...unless you want to come booze around in a house with stinky carpet and bare walls...which would totally be okay with me I guess :)
I suppose it's better to vomit on carpet you are going to get rid of...
...and if I have been drinking you know there will probably be vomiting.
It's totally okay - the current carpet already looks like someone vomited on it...
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