Exhibit A. Contrast, elegance, appliqué. I have an understated tropical feel.

Exhibit B. The patterns on each of these pillow are unique and simple yet striking. I am simply saddened by the fact that never would I think to put these three patterns together and even imagine such a beautiful result. I especially like the color of the green pillow.

Exhibit C. These are pillows that might actually have a chance of appearing in my home. Very simple and restrained yet colorful and balanced. I would totally nap on those stripes. Plus, they're slimming...

Exhibit D. I have an obsession with polka dots that was acquired within the past few years. There's just something about the symmetry...it's...hypnotizing...

Exhibit E. I wouldn't use the butterfly pillow in my house now, because the overtly feminine design wouldn't be fair to Husband (I don't think he could properly play one of his first person shooter video games while leaning against this pillow). However, if I was single and had a pink couch, I would be all over this pillow, because YUM.

The good news? BEAUTIFUL SHINY PRETTY THINGS. The bad news? Not one of these pillows is available for under $25 (and most are OVER $50...for serious). I do not keep my hatred of our current sofa throw pillows a secret. But I also would not pay $25 for ONE PILLOW. Even if it was as pretty as these.
... Exhibit H: Make your own? :-D
Hrm...excellent suggestion...now where to find someone who sews....
My mom, actually. She will be teaching me to hem the pants. I might see what she says about making pillow covers (which she has done before and currently is in the middle of my sister's futon pillow covers). See, all you need is sweet fabric, which would probably be the most costly thing, plus some cheap pillows, and viola! The coolest thing about that, too, is it's sentimental.
So, two things. First, I was going to make a sarcastic comment about C only being slimming in that direction, but if you turn them on their side the stripes make the pillow look fat.
Second. . . I'm not sure to be proud of myself or somewhat ashamed to admit that I know how to make pillows. They're fairly easy if you have access to a sewing machine. The easiest way it to cut two pieces of fabric slightly larger than you want the pillow to be. Put them so the sides you want on the outside are together, sew on a zipper, and then sew around the other three sides. Turn the now single piece of fabric rightside out, insert a pillow form or some batting, and BAM! Instant pillow.
This has been "George acts like Martha Stewart". Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go watch Die Hard to regain some security in my masculinity.
Another reason why BlindIrishPirate's mom and GeorgeDubya are cooler than me. Everything I've ever sewn has fallen apart. Think superglue could work instead of thread...?
I actually do plan to make Husband and my own headboard for our new bedroom, but that only requires a manly staple gun and some fabric, MDF, and batting...we'll see if matching pillows ever materialize...
But thanks for the great tips! Maybe I'll get ambitious (*snorts*)!
You're hilarious and I miss you. 'Nought said, woman!
Gah. Minus the stupid 't' that I obviously didn't type. *rolls eyes*...;)
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