Husband and I aren't exactly granola munching Birkenstock wearers that stink up the room with patchouli oil, but we are interested in helping to sustain the Earth through the use of renewable resources, green products, organic gardening, composting, and recycling. When first contemplating the flooring of our home, I was thinking about lots and lots of neutral carpeting throughout except for the kitchen and bathrooms. However, we're rethinking that plan of action, and our new potential plan might just be bamboo. Bamboo flooring (it's actually a grass and not a hardwood) is something we've always been interested in. It's just as hard and durable as, say, oak or cherry, but it is less expensive, and even after harvesting the bamboo will continue to produce the product over and over again from the same plant. Plus, PRETTY. Here's a sample from Lowes's Web site in a Cognac color (because everything is better with alcohol-related names).

My in-laws have the best window blinds in the whole entire world in their game room (which is surrounded by windows). They are simple but so lovely and keep the light out like it's nobody's business. I covet them. These are the blinds (or a very similar version) from JC Penney's Web site: Cape Cod Roman Shades. I would get them in a darker color to match the darker bamboo floors, but LOVE. I would be completely okay with forgoing curtains and just showcasing these puppies!

And on that bamboo floor? In the room with beautiful Cape Cod Roman window shades? I might just have to put this rug. I not only have impeccable taste, but I'm also a cheap date. This rug is from Target's Web site and is from a line called "Italian Walnut," although I prefer to call it, "My Precious." Can you even imagine walls painted with the blue, cream, and green colors pulled out? CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE?

I think I need to go lay down...all of this exciting decorating is getting me all verklempt.
Niiiiice. I have been inspired! :)
I'm so glad! I totally need to keep the inspiration juices flowing on this project!
mmmmmm.....housey goodness
MMM...I thought it would never come!
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