...and not necessarily for the better. After giving poor Husband the flu Friday (ah, the gifts of marriage), he awoke early Saturday morning and asked me to take him to the hospital because he was having terrible acid reflux heartburn. We went in at 4 a.m. and, luckily, got out at about 5:30. He got a nice pain shot and some green numbing goop to swallow. He's been unconscious for most of Valentine's Day (we hadn't planned on officially celebrating the day with gifts or anything, so it worked out, I suppose). I spent the day peeling more wallpaper border at the house. The ducks did not go gentle into that good night:
You can almost hear their screams. Or terrified quacks. I felt like I accomplished a lot in several hours worth of work. View the spoils of my victory:
A truly beautiful sight. I have one hundred and ten billiondy percent decided I hate wallpaper. Perhaps time will soften my animosity, but I don't know. I'm going to be having nightmares about this house's wallpaper border for a long, long time.
Doesn't the lack of ugly border make the room feel so much bigger? Now just imagine the room with paint...and flooring...and a new light...and...
1 comment:
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