*Shifty eyes*
I know the lack of Friday Fashion just plain ruined your entire weekend. For that I apologize. As a condolence, my weekend wasn't overly exciting either as I scampered around the house ferreting cups of ginger ale to my poor, coughing, feverish little Husband. He has bronchitis. I'm still waiting for my turn. In honor of being sick, here is a little belated Friday Fashion. Even sick can still look good.

These cashmere water bottle covers are from Restoration Hardware. No, I didn't stutter. You read that right. Cashmere. Unfortunately, they are currently out of stock. Perhaps you can knit your own. Don't forget to include the adorable little pockets!

One can't be without a soft, warm, comfortable blanket when feeling under the weather. Crocheted throws abound on sites like Etsy where mycraftycorner sells this beautiful teal blanket for $42. I've tried crocheting and soon discovered I am not a crocheter. In the least. But I am so glad that others are.

A hot cup of tea (or toddy) will warm up any chilled body. This skase teacup set from Steve Watson is so incredibly lovely and sweet. I want to go put on the kettle right now!
Go forth into the world with solid design principles and good health, my children.
oooo, that tea cup set is awesome :)
nthing the tea cups. I don't actually like tea, but imagine hot cocoa with whipped cream on the tops of those cups. tehehe
Truly delicious.
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