"Vase" is one word I have never known how to pronounce correctly (like the word "applicable"...APP-licable or ap-LICK-able?!). According to the omnipotent
Wikipedia, it is customary for Americans to pronounce it like "face" while the Brits prefer a stodgier sounding "vahse, dahling."
As a side note, I can't stand when people mispronounce "Realtor." Real. Tor. It is NOT REE-LA-TOR!
There, I feel better now.
Whether pronounced "vayse" or "vahse," I think these lovely vessels are a perfectly appropriate topic for this Friday Fashion. Especially since, for Husband's birthday this week, I got him this:

It's a Peace Lily. They are exceptionally good at purifying the air in one's home.

Husband named his Peace Lily "Butterman." Butterman is "For the greater good." Name that movie (one of our Top 10).
I realize Butterman won't actually need a vase himself, but perhaps a few of his blooms will find their way into one. If so, I'd better be ready with something fabulous. I can't let Butterman down.
So simple. So elegant.
Bamboo Vase by Teori. *Dramatic sigh*

It's okay. It only looks like tanned cowhide. These
Leather Vases are $299 each and are actually made out of porcelain, so you don't have to feel bad about murdering innocent cows in the name of good design. Although they are delicious. Cows, not design. Moo.

Metallic, shiny,
and sleek? Be still, my heart. This
Orbit Vase, Helix Vase, and Wing Vase from Azcast is suspiciously without a price tag, which is always frightening. However, made from 100% recycled aluminum, they are environmentally friendly and so luxurious-looking.

This one is my favorite, and particularly swoon-worthy, although the gorgeous calla lillies could be clouding my judgment.

Here is a
Three Guns Table Vase costing $58.98. For the murderous designer in all of us. Who knew decor could be so manly and threatening?

Finally, for the green-living, earth-loving hippie in all of us, I bring you the
Chesta Vase Made from Egg Cartons. Not only can one recycle a common product like egg cartons in a unique and exciting way, but it can be done in a beautiful, quietly industrial-looking manner!

I wasn't able to include vases from
this Web site because of the way they display their images (and make them impossible to steal, can you imagine?!), but I highly suggest you visit. It will do your soul good.
Have a wonderful, fashionable weekend my darlings! (Or should it be "dahlings"?)
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