Saturday heralded the fourth wedding of the summer for Husband and me. Thankfully, it was held in the Biggest City Within 50 Miles, so we didn't have far to travel. This was another Catholic Lite wedding, which was most appreciated. I will allow one of the Apostles (Peter? Paul? Mary? Just kidding on that last one. I don't think Mary had male pattern baldness...) to illustrate my excitement over the ceremony length and the church's air conditioning:

"Raise da roof."

But, really, the church was just lovely. Who wouldn't want to get married under an azure sky?

And the marriage was sealed with fire, of course. Fire and cake.

I've got a thing for cake toppers. This one is especially lovely!

The groom's cake was simply fabulous. Not only did the day celebrate the love he has for his beautiful wife, it also exemplified the love he has for his electronic equipment. Eleanor is his computer. She was delicious in traditional red velvet.

I couldn't get away without the obligatory couple picture, proving our attendance. Now new and improved with aviators. Still no boat, though.

Congratulations, you two. You have the humor, the kindness, and the love to get you through a lifetime together.
I about shat when I noticed you had the picture of whoever it is "raising the roof." I about LOL'd again...
Thought you'd appreciate that:)
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