In the spirit of actually possibly maybe just maybe moving into our damn house, I bring you assorted, interesting wonderfulness from This site has some seriously cool home accessories! (Note: This is a UK company, so I will include the pricing in U.S. dollars as advertised).

This Nest Shoe Rack (wall-mounted for $115 and freestanding for $147) looks so sleek and still utilitarian! I would probably have to get fifteen of these puppies to hold all of my shoes, but turning my footwear into an architectural piece of artwork? Priceless.

These Candle Holders (thumb up and thumb down for $15.50 each) positively scream my husband's name. Should I ditch the elegant crystal candle holders I received at my bridal shower and our authentic wooden African candle holders that we purchased at a charity auction and go with these instead?

As a reminder, this Sunday is Father's Day, so go get a card for your father and grandfather right now or I will paddle your hiney! One of the many reasons I love my dad is his cinematic taste. My gifts to him this Father's Day? Clint Eastwood's Gran Tourino (I think he invented new racial slurs just for this movie!) and The Tale of Despereaux (uhm...adorable). My dad loves hard-ass characters and animated mice equally. My biggest concern? That he has already bought The Tale of Despereaux for you, Daddy!
I had a subscription to EGM, and when they were shutdown I now get Maxim...There, I'm not getting Penthouse or any other type of magazine :p
Nice article, thanks and don't forget to visit my site :)
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