Monday, June 29, 2009
The Name Game
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday Fashion: Kitchen Decor Galore!
Please understand that I don’t enjoy being around people who intentionally brag about what they own. Having said that, I beg you to allow me to be completely hypocritical and show you what I received for an (early) second anniversary gift.
Isn’t she beautiful? I named her Sheila. She’s a svelte 5-quart KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer. I have coveted her for a long time now, and she is finally here, gracing me with her onyx black presence.
I’m sure you must be thinking, “What a sexist gift! A husband giving his wife a stand mixer, a mere kitchen utensil, for a wedding anniversary? Why didn’t he just buy her a vacuum cleaner and an ironing board?”
Well, because that’s what I got for my first anniversary.
(Just kidding. I didn’t get anything for my first anniversary.*)
People, I have no shame. I don’t care if I’m setting women’s suffrage back 100 years. I’ll gladly don my apron and pearl necklace and high heels, waiting by the front door with a cocktail when my husband gets home from work, just to have Sheila in my kitchen. I love her. She is a piece of elegant machinery, to be used and buffed and passed down from one generation to the next.
In honor of my newest love, today’s Friday Fashion will be a little kitchen-centric.
Please. Please don't judge me. This is frickin' frackin' adorable. And the pockets make it totally utilitarian, right? I would prance around the kitchen in this Bib Audrey Pink Poppy Fields Apron from Jessie Steele for $32.95. PRANCE, I TELL YOU.
Uhm. And there's even matching Pink Poppy Fields Oven-Mitts for $11.95. STOP JUDGING ME.
What kitchen is complete without salt and pepper shakers? These Whale Salt And Pepper Shakers from Jonathan Adler at $48.00 are cuter than two kittens in a boot. If whale's aren't cute enough for you, he also has penguins, fish and cats, among others.
And every kitchen needs two essential safety features: a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher. I can't imagine a beautifully designed smoke alarm, but I wish the extinguisher we purchased was as cute as these by French Fire Design.
I'm not a hot tea girl (iced is my tea of preference), but I definitely think I could stomach drinking hot tea from such a sweet little pot like these Anne Kraitz LUST Tea Pots from Huset for $170.00. Just gimme a lemon wedge.
Finally, every kitchen needs a few tea towels! These Atelier LZC towels for $19-$20 are so colorful, at least one of them is sure to match your kitchen! I'm partial to the one of the far left. I've always had a soft spot for butterflies. Which one do you like?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Those Summer Nights
In spite of the sweat and the humidity and the bugs and the grass, you still can't beat the Summer Lovin'.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wedding season is in full swing...

The weather was humid and everyone ended up sticky, for one reason or another, but the huge tent shaded us from the sun and the down-home appeal was undeniable.

Plus, we got to play with our favorite kid in the world (thanks, face-obscuring orange sippy cup for keeping the Internet creepies at bay!).

Husband donned aviators (but the tux and the boat were missing) and was reunited with some of his favorite boyfriends (keep up the good work, orange sippy cup).

And then there was dancing.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday Fashion: More home decor!
In the spirit of actually possibly maybe just maybe moving into our damn house, I bring you assorted, interesting wonderfulness from This site has some seriously cool home accessories! (Note: This is a UK company, so I will include the pricing in U.S. dollars as advertised).

This Nest Shoe Rack (wall-mounted for $115 and freestanding for $147) looks so sleek and still utilitarian! I would probably have to get fifteen of these puppies to hold all of my shoes, but turning my footwear into an architectural piece of artwork? Priceless.

These Candle Holders (thumb up and thumb down for $15.50 each) positively scream my husband's name. Should I ditch the elegant crystal candle holders I received at my bridal shower and our authentic wooden African candle holders that we purchased at a charity auction and go with these instead?

As a reminder, this Sunday is Father's Day, so go get a card for your father and grandfather right now or I will paddle your hiney! One of the many reasons I love my dad is his cinematic taste. My gifts to him this Father's Day? Clint Eastwood's Gran Tourino (I think he invented new racial slurs just for this movie!) and The Tale of Despereaux (uhm...adorable). My dad loves hard-ass characters and animated mice equally. My biggest concern? That he has already bought The Tale of Despereaux for you, Daddy!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Better than breakfast...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fittingly, today I came across an article from The Wall Street Journal entitled "Silencing the Voice That Says You're a Fraud." It is a medium-sized read that everyone could probably benefit from. It also includes a short test to determine "How Self-Critical Are You?" A score of 24 or less represents a low level, 39 is average, and a total score of 54 or more indicates a high-level of self-criticism and perfectionism. I scored 74.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I've got hoes in different area codes.
Since my dad has been ill and mostly bedridden throughout the late winter and early spring months, I offered to put in my parents' garden for them this year. Luckily, our pastor generously dropped by with his new tiller, so I didn't have to wrestle with my dad's contraption. The soil was all ready to go on the very dreary but warm Memorial Day when I came to stay with Dad, relieving Mom to take a shopping excursion with her sister visiting from New York. As you can see, I was not without help.

Thanks Irwin, for all of the impromptu fertilizer. I picked up some pea, bean, and corn seeds as well as some tomato and watermelon plants from a local store. This year it was agreed that a small garden would be best since my mom would mostly be the one to water and tend the plants.

Does this tool have a specific name? If it does, I don't know what it is. I've always just called it "the row hoe-er." Perhaps I should re-name it to "the back breaker."

I kept imagining the delicious, crisp crunch as I crawled down each row, sowing my seeds.

Or the juicy tartness of one of these "Big Beef" tomatoes.

My rows weren't too straight, my planting wasn't too precise, but I could have done a worse job.

Husband and I also tried our hands at cultivating our own garden in our backyard. The original owner had a lovely little garden all plotted out and tilled up, but it had slowly been overtaken by lawn. We got out Husband's parents' tiny tiller, hoed, scraped, and tilled for an hour or two one evening, and never returned. We realized that we just have too much going on inside the house to worry about the outside right now. As you can see, our efforts are already also being overtaken by lawn. We hope later this summer (once we're moved into the house) to really till up the plot and mix in some fertilizer from one of Husband's friends (err...from the friend's cows...not the friend himself...). Then, the garden will be all ready to go for next spring.

M-I-L requested Red Velvet Cake, and I found a wonderful recipe here. Before:

Note the innocent white buttercream frosting that hides the intense gore that only two full ounes of red food coloring can provide. After:

Decisions, decisions
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday Fashion: Light me up
God Bless this Mess!
A big thanks to BlindIrishPirate for the video embedding tutorial!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Three R's...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I'm filled with...GLEE
I have been meaning to write a post expounding on the fact that the upcoming fall show entitled "Glee" looks amazing. Then I visited BlindIrishPirate's blog and realized she beat me to the punch. Because she is incredible. Oh, and Philboy beat me to the punch, too. Because he and I have the same sensibilities. I also realized that I am seriously not as cool as they are because I have absolutely no idea how to embed the "Glee" trailer into my blog post, so you're just going to have to settle for visiting this link to the pilot on Hulu. The first episode aired after the recent conclusion of American Idol, tittilating my senses and then cruelly forcing me to wait until the season resumes in the fall. *Rends clothing; Beats breast*
I beg you to at least listen to the very last song in the "Glee" pilot, an astounding, artful, fresh arrangement of "Don't Stop Believin'." It starts at about 39:50.
So, if you were a band geek and purchased reeds weekly; if you wore a cumberbund and sang in the choir; if you participated in every single drama production and tried to convince everyone else what you already knew, that you were a true star, then "Glee" is for you. If not, well, we may not be able to be friends/acquaintances/married anymore. Your bad.

Artsy Fartsy
In honor of the "Top 200," below is one of my favorite paintings and my least-favorite artist.

Favorite Painting. I don't know why I love this painting so dearly. Picasso is a cliche artist to appreciate, but I love his work in spite of its mainstream appeal (he is number one on the "Top 200" list). The mood of the painting is so evocative, it breaks my heart anew each time I look at the man's face and cast my eyes upon his body language. What is he thinking? Why is his despair so great? What has brought him to this lowly place? Was it circumstance or fate or choice? I have a small copy of the painting hanging in my office, and though I can view it everyday, I am still able to see it through fresh eyes each time.

Least-Favorite Artist. Georgia O'Keefe. I'm going to make one definitive verdict about her work: Overrated. I suppose, to be honest, I never really had a problem with her work until I learned more about the artist herself. O'Keefe was one of the subjects for study during a year on the art academic team. We looked at her paintings, read stacks of printed information about her life, and viewed a documentary with her at the center. The documentary, filmed around 1976 at Ghost Ranch, served as the foundation on which I began to build my temple of dislike. I remember specifically her haughty attitude, saying something to the effect of "I could have been a much better artist, but then I probably wouldn't have been so famous." Or something. I probably also didn't like her because, in her mid-eighties, she took up with a very young "companion," which seemed so distasteful to the sixteen- or seventeen-year-old me. She was eccentric, as many artist seem to be, but not genuinely so, I thought.
Disagree? That's okay. That's the wonderful thing about art. I can love a piece by Jackson Pollack, and you can think it looks like something a kindergartner would turn out. You can love a floral depiction by Georgia O'Keefe, and I can think it looks like a blue vagina. That's the beauty of the world.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Fashion
Uhm...I don't know where I'm going with this. Moving on...
As we draw nearer and nearer to completing our renovations and actually living in our house (six months after purchase, ahem), I am beginning to think about the actual items we will need to make our daily lives comfortable. Because I consider home decor to be fashion, today let's focus this fashion post on our master bedroom, the Locus of Love, the Point of Passion, the Sector of Sex...
...too much?
If you will remember, we painted the walls a very dark, rich, lusty blue, with stark white baseboards, dark bamboo hardwood, and a ceiling fan that emulates the dark floor coloring. Our window blinds, which are not pictured, because they are still sitting in their unopened boxes next door, let in minimal light.

I'm so ready to make this house our home...
Dr. Who?
First, at Husband's demand, I went to the urgent care for some antibiotics to finally kick my now four-week old cold. Apparently, my congestion causes me to snore quite loudly, and apparently, Husband has infinite patience and the restraint not to suffocate me with his body pillow. Next, I visited the dentist to clean and polish my pearly whites. And finally, I ended the week of appointments with a worn out health insurance card and a visit to the lady doctor for my annual violation. (Side note: My doctor has both a mustache and beard. Guess if the doctor is a man or a woman...the answer may surprise you.)
In the spirit of the reproductive system, check out this link that Husband found this morning. Below is the graphic, but you really need to visit the link and zoom in to truly enjoy the full experience. My particular favorites are: Bundling Baby, Washing Baby, and Choosing a Babysitter. I'm also pretty sure our kids are going to endure the "Bad" Calming Baby, knowing their father. I weep for our offspring.